Sunday, July 3, 2011

We Are Celebrating The 4th! Tiny Puzzle Is Free For 2 Days Only.

FireworksImage via WikipediaWe, at Maxsdad iOS Development, are enjoying the 4th of July this weekend and we hope you are too!  We've decided to make our Tiny Puzzle full version game free for July 3rd and July 4th.  Tell your friends, spread the word and get playing.  But, don't forget, if you could.....leave us some feedback in iTunes.  We'd appreciate it!

While at a cookout this weekend, my nephew came up to me to tell me he found this really cool new app for his iPhone.  He downloaded the free version to check it out.  Then, within an hour, he bought the full version.  He's been playing it in his spare time and he said to me, "Aunt Tina, I can't put my iPhone down because Tiny Puzzle frustrates the hell out of me!"  He really did say it with a smile on his face, I promise!

Enjoy your family, your friends, and Tiny Puzzle (for free!) this weekend and always remember to stay safe.  Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

So Many Things Are Happening

We have so much going on right now, our heads are spinning!  Right now, as this is being typed, a new version of Tiny Puzzle is being reviewed in the app store.  It is our best version yet!  We've cleaned up some pesky little bugs, we even updated the icon.  What do you think?

We are also in the process of bring back our very first iPhone app called Piano Balls.  Because it was our first we weren't that thrilled about it.  But, it apparently has a cult following because we've received many email since we took it off of the market.  So, we have revamped it and will be out within the next few weeks.  Be sure to keep an eye out for it!

We are also in the planning stages of our next app.  We are finding that, as a small (okay, Tiny) shop, we are enjoying the process of creating new apps for everyone to enjoy.